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Dust Settles After NYC Marathon


On Sunday, November 1, 2015, fifty thousand runners took to the streets to run the New York City Marathon. The event kicked off in Staten Island and ended in Central Park.

It’s been over a week since the event took place and they all finished strong.

The excitement is still felt throughout the the tri-state area and beyond. In fact, I have proof. Some of the runners are those that I know personally. Although I decided not to run the course this year, I met up with friends over brunch before cheering everyone on. In fact, I wanted to find out what life is like after that big day and what they have planned for the future.

Meet some of the participating runners . . .


It took my several days to recover and I finally started feeling like myself on Friday. I am working with a partner to complete the Run the Edge Virtual Race: 2015 miles in 2015, so I’ll resume running this week.


Post marathon is always a time for reflection. This was a pretty huge marathon season for myself and Harlem Run and it is now time for us to regroup and think not only about our training, but all of the excitement and events of the past few months and what’s next. There’s always a bit of sadness that hits after the marathon too – realizing that all that you trained for is over. I will be headed to do the Philly half marathon in a few weeks and then I will spend winter working on strength and agility so that I can be a better runner in the spring.


What an incredible experience. Truly life changing and more than I expected. I knew I was well trained but the course still provided twists and turns that were unexpected! The crowd support was nothing I ever experienced. As an amateur runner, the people of the 5 boroughs truly made me feel like a superstar. It made those bridges and unforgiving hills that much more bearable.Crossing the finish line was a mix of emotion – it was really done, I can’t believe it – pain and fatigue. It was the summation of over a year of training. What a journey.

The first few days after the marathon I felt like I was hit by a truck but over the past week I have finally regained strength and have return to life as usual and all the obligations I have fallen begun on because of training. I’m sad to see it be over but happy to regain balance in my life again:)

CARA CHANG, New Jersey

All I kept thinking about every second of the day was wow, I did it. I ran in the worlds largest marathon!! I have to say, the course at times was rough, but I really enjoyed it. This was the first race I have run that had such a large amount of spectators. That was so great to hear so many people Cheering and calling our names.

This week I’ve been taking a rest from running. My body needed it after 6 months of training. It has felt great to have more time in my day. I’ve been staying up later and sleeping in as well. I’ve been relaxing, catching up on things around my house that I haven’t had time to do as well as watching a bit more TV….lol.

Currently, I don’t have any races scheduled. I’m planning to start running again this week just not as intensely. I’ve decided that I want to sign up for a triathlon in the summer. I’ve figured since I’ve run 2 marathons and many 1/2 marathons, 10ks and 5ks it’s time to try something else.I would love to run the NYCM again probably in 2017.


It was such a beautiful experience to have church choirs, school bands, congo players, Hasidic bands, and the plethora of other performers cheer me on. It was touching hearing complete strangers as well as loved ones and friends call out my name. in support. At times this brought tears to my eyes. I feel good. . . . well rested and recovered. I have several local races planned for the end of the year including the 8K Ashenfelter in Glen Ridge, Doughnut Run in Montclair and Jingle Bell Run in Elizabeth. I’m thinking of training for the NJ Marathon in May and the Chicago Marathon in the fall.

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